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Mohamad Haidar
31 December 2013
Please read below a message sent from a nurse at AUB-MC who was trained by Roads for Life on ATCN (Advanced Trauma Care for Nurses) and assisted to the ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) Mohamad Haidar whom we are very proud of.
Thank you dear Mohamad for sharing and thank you for all your efforts.
"I am sending this to share with you my observations as well as my feelings on the bloody friday the country went through.
After going through the past 3 days
I think Lebanon is very grateful for Roads for Life and for you
I know I am
I was not on duty but immediately started driving down to AUBMC after hearing the news.I had taken the ATCN course just a mere two weeks ago. Although shaken, I felt prepared for this and switched to action mode right on.I had been around many trauma cases before but never had been so well oriented and systematic.It could have been worse had there not been people who knew what to do !
The result:A young patient can live another day without disability and thank god for being taken care of by people Roads for Life made capable of helping.
Thanks again Zeina
There are other testimonies by people who were there that day, I will be sending them as soon as they send them to me."