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Zeina Kassem through the eyes of H.E. Mrs. Milagros Hernando Echhevarìa, Ambassador of Spain to Lebanon

11 November 2015


Five years ago, Zeina Kassem lost her son Talal in a traffic accident… One morning, her son went out to his college but didn’t come back… in a pedestrian cross a crazy driver ran into the boy…

Zeina suffered a terrible pain one cannot imagine… However she wanted to honour the life of her son and from his death, indeed, she fought to bring life again…

And she founded an NGO called “Roads for Life” which its purpose is to support resilience of persons after the accidents … at that moment called the golden hour… And that is the TALAL KASSEM fund… through which doctors, nurses and paramedics are adequately trained by this NGO to perform their work in a more efficient way.

Some nights ago, at the fifth anniversary of the loss of her son, she signed her book untitled “The Crossing“, in which she tells us her experience of that time… Starting from the loss and the pain, till getting back to life, in which nor the pain, nor the loss of Talal are forgotten.

I have a good relation with Zeina, with her husband, Amer –who supports her at the signature and in every moment- with many of her friends, and I can only underline my admiration and respect that I feel for her and her vital testimony, and the lesson that I learn every day watching her working with so much enthousiasm and full of energy, so that other people can stay alive, in memory of Talal.

Read more on H.E.'s Blog.